Knowledge Sharing
As SOPR students we are actively engaging with theory as practice in all aspects of the program; we are excited to be contributing to transdisciplinary, arts, and community-based methodological innovation. We are also mobilizing our scholarship through various formats – such as publishing in peer-reviewed journals; (co)producing documentary films, short videos, and digital stories; developing clear language outputs like community reports and blog posts – making theoretical and practical interventions across different fields and communities. Here are some examples of the scholarly and creative outputs made by SOPR students and our collaborators. Please check back in, as we continue to share our creations.
Community Literature
Naty Tremblay, “The Art of Abolitionist World Making – Course Syllabus” created as a part of the SOPR Qualifying Exam process.

Roth, R. and Bishop, A. Elevating Indigenous Governance and Leadership in Urban Parks: Possibilities, Challenges, and Pathways.

Artistic and Creative Work
Janna Martin. “A Mohawk and Mennonite Encounter,” Organized by the Grand River Community Play Project. Janna co-authored and acted in a scene in this play.

Amy Kipp and The Art in a Just Recovery Knowledge Building Team. Art in a Just Recovery Blog Series and Short Videos.

Allison Bishop. “White washing: A short story.” A digital story created as part of the SOPR 6200 Methodologies Course.

Amy Kipp. “Qualifying Differently.” A zine created as part of the SOPR Qualifying Exam process. For the complete zine, check out Amy’s blog on her experience of the qualifying exam.

Kakar, N. (2023, February). A 5 Step Guide on How to Crochet for Beginners. Textile Magazine: Dreaming into Collective Futures. A digital story created as part of the SOPR 6200 Methodologies Course.

Peer-reviewed Publications
Kipp, A., Reinders, K., Buchnea, A., Duran, R., Bishop, A., Heidebrecht, D., Kakar, N., Martin, J., Thompson, L., Tremblay, N., and Hawkins, R. (Forthcoming). Critically reflecting on and through creative practice in doctoral education: A collaborative autoethnography of journey mapping. Special Issue Creative Practice and Doctoral Education in Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education.
Kipp, A., & Hawkins, R. (2022). From the nice work to the hard work: “Troubling” community‐based CareMongering during the COVID‐19 pandemic. Gender, Work & Organization, 29(4), 1293-1313.
Martin, J. (2023). “‘This Land is Ours’: Investigating settler narratives in Ontario Swiss-Mennonite plays.” Journal of Mennonite Studies. 41(1), 109-127.
SOPR Dissertations
Fowlie, H. (2024). Grief Refracted: Digital Storytelling as Liberatory Praxis [Alternative Format Dissertation, Documentary Film]. For more read Hannah’s blogpost here.